Our Calling:
Psalm 49:2 (CJB) "regardless of whether low or high, regardless of whether rich or poor!"
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Purify 2014 -
Retreat for Hebrew Roots Singles

Purify West Coast -
Retreat for Hebrew Roots Singles
About Jocelin, Our Founder

Dr. Jocelin Boutet was born and raised in Orlando, Florida but happily calls the Columbus, Ohio area home.  Her family lives on just under 6 acres in the country.  She accepted Yeshua as her personal Savior just before she turned seven, followed Him in baptism a few months later, and has sought to grow in her walk with Him daily.  Her family came to a Torah life and understanding of our Hebrew Roots in late 2004/early 2005.  Since then, she has continued to grow and seek to encourage others to grow with her!  In her spare time, she enjoys scrapbooking, reading, being with her cats, and many handcrafts.  She shares, "My family is very special to me, and they are very supportive of me.  My parents included me in their spiritual journey as I was growing up, and I have sought to learn from them and 'stand on their shoulders'." 

She served from 2007 to 2011 on staff with Crown Financial Ministries which was founded in 1976 by Larry Burkett as the Money Map Coach Manager where her role included training, supervision, and support to over 10,000 financial coaches that served with Crown .  Upon leaving Crown, she began this ministry desiring to meet a need for the Hebrew Roots movement in focusing on relationships, finances, and lifestyle.  She is the founder of Purify - Retreats for Hebrew Roots Singles as well as being a Naturopathic Doctor.

In addition to that, she serves part time with Hebraic Heritage Ministries International (Eddie Chumney) as webmaster.  She also offers website design for the Messianic Community. 

Her heart and passion is to serve YHVH wholeheartedly whether it be through the written or spoken word and whether it be one on one or to groups.  Her life verse has always been Jeremiah 29:11-13 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord , “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”  Her Hebraic verse is Psalm 49:3 “regardless of whether low or high, regardless of whether rich or poor!”  To which she says, "And I can truly say that is who YHVH has called me to minister to!" 




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