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Psalm 49:2 (CJB) "regardless of whether low or high, regardless of whether rich or poor!"
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Purify 2014 -
Retreat for Hebrew Roots Singles

Purify West Coast -
Retreat for Hebrew Roots Singles
Standing in YHVH's Hand Ministries offers various presentations perfect for your congregation, small gathering, large seminar, or conference.  Our current topics are:

Being a YHVH Filled Woman

Topics such as "being different in a world gone crazy", "true modesty of the heart", "you are a Messie what?", and more will keep you on the edge of your seat as Jocelin addresses issues each of us faces on a regular basis.

Finances from a Biblical Perspective

YHVH has a lot to say about many areas of our life and finances is one of those key areas.  We can either allow money to draw us closer to or divide us from our Father.  Be ready to be challenged both spiritually and practically in this session.

Walking Torah

As Jocelin shares her life story of coming from a traditional Christian background to walking a Torah lifestyle; she weaves in her story many life principles including dealing with doubting family ("no, I'm not nuts"), working in a non-Messianic environment ("no, I don't celebrate Christmas"), and how to skip the bacon!

Practical Finances

Building on "Finances from a Biblical Perspective", Jocelin digs into all the practical aspects of money management - how to pay off debt, how not to spend more than you make, and why/how to have a spending plan.

A Heart Kept Pure by YHVH's Grace

Remaining emotionally pure for my future spouse is a daily battle.  Why is it so important?  How do I do it?  And what is the gift of purity all about?  are just some of the questions, Jocelin addresses.  And just as you thought it was hitting home, the closing will have you both laughing and crying.

True Biblical Purity

The Torah and the scriptures have a lot to say on handling male/female relationships, Biblical courtship, protecting your heart, modesty, and physical/emotional purity. We will take a look at this important topic from both male and female perspectives.


Standing on My Parent's Shoulders

Based on her latest book in progress, Jocelin talks about the importance our parents play in our lives, giving your children a strong foundation, how to repair broken foundations, and the importance of mentoring.

Standing in YHVH's Hand

Our ministry's signature message is about our main issue in life - trust and faith.  Since we are secure in YHVH's hand, how can stand there with trust?  and with faith?  Jocelin deals with this in a practical way as she shares from her own struggles and triumphs.

God Owns it All

Everything costs money, but did you know there are over 2,350 verses on money in the bible? Do you really believe that Yahweh owns it all and is our able provider?  Spiritual understanding leads to a balanced practical application in our finances which affect every area of our life.  (Note: This is an abbreviated version of Finances from a Biblical Perspective combined with Practical Finances.)

NEW!!!!!     A Woman's Role     NEW!!!!!

What is a woman's role according to Scripture?  Is she to be a sub-servant submitted woman?  Or is there something more in Scripture for a woman to do?  Be challenged to understand Scripture for itself not from our pre-conceived ideas and accept our high calling as a woman in YHVH's great plan for His people. 

 Biblical Singleness

Jocelin tackles this often sticky topic of Singleness from a Biblical and practical standpoint.  She talks from real life experience as she shares.  This presentation will truly transform your view of Singleness which will want to make you get out and serving Yahweh with your whole heart!
(Also good for married couples to help them understand singles and how they can truly encourage them.)

NEW!!!!!     Covering According to Scripture     NEW!!!!!

Wearing a covering has be from the heart not a rule; however, we will find the covering taught of in Scripture.  Are you ready to be challenged to obey this calling?  We should live such a life that our head covering speaks to others not only of our faith, but of our life – purity, decency, modesty, and a humble spirit.  It is the same as with our tzitzit, the tallits for the men, and keeping Kosher.  It all has to do with obedience and worship of our Heavenly Father.

NEW!!!!!     Helpmate     NEW!!!!!

Helpmate is a commonly used word in talking about marriage; however, do we really know what a helpmate is according to Scripture?  As Jocelin digs into the Scripture and it's true meaning, be careful not to fall out of your seats.  A woman's role is beautiful and challenging desired to support and offset a man.  Are you ready to step up to your Biblical role? 

NEW!!!!!     Modesty in Relationships (Courtship)     NEW!!!!!

Most of us have heard many talks on courtship and betrothal, but what is the real heart behind choosing a different way than the world does marriage?  Modesty!  How do you have modesty in relationships no matter what flavor of courtship or betrothal you choose.  Be ready to be challenged as you look at Scripture in a very practical manner.

NEW!!!!!     Practical Modesty     NEW!!!!!

How we dress is a reflection of our inner heart.  Am I reflecting a pure heart in my dress?  And not only my dress but my mannerisms and interactions with others.  Modesty is born out of a pure heart.  Be refreshed with this fresh and practical look at modesty.

NEW!!!!!     Walking Torah in the Feasts     NEW!!!!!

Jocelin ties her personal story of learning to keep the Biblical Feasts with the Scriptural understanding.  As we seek to live out our lives according to the Bible, what is our basis?  And how do we do so in a practical way? 


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