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  September/October 2011 Newsletter

Dear Friends,
If I had known what this late Summer was to hold, I would not have wanted to walk this road; however, our Heavenly Father knew His perfect plan and that His grace would sustain myself and my family in the loss of my beloved grandmother whom I called Nana.  She passed away August 26.  Our congregation was very good at keeping us fed, being with us, and supporting us during the following days.  Many of you too have kept my family in prayer, e-mailed, called, and sent cards.  Thank you so much!  You do not know how much each act of kindness has meant to our family. 

I have been taking this past week and this week to begin to find a new normal as well as prioritize and schedule my time with more of a balance.  I am currently cleaning houses one day a week for one client and once a month for another client as well as doing some website design.  By prioritizing and re-organizing my schedule, I was able to keep my income where it needed to be, but to free up more time to spend working for Standing in YHVH's Hand Ministries.  What some of you may not realize is that I am not in any way currently receiving a salary from the ministry.  The incoming funds are going towards monthly expenses and the 501c3 legal work.  Eventually, YHVH willing I will be able to draw a salary, but my first priority is to provide for the ministry itself. 

Our first board meeting for Standing in YHVH's Hand Ministries is planned for later this month.  At that meeting, we will be approving the legal guidelines and bylaws which will allow us to file our 501c3 paperwork with the State and then Federal Government.  Our board consists of myself, Terry Boutet (my father and a business owner), Eddie Chumney (founder of Hebraic Heritage Ministries Int'l), Daria Norcia (Messianic believer, widow, and grandmother), and Mark Hutchison (retired from the State and realtor).  We will be adding brief bio's and pictures to the website in the near future, so you can get to know and appreciate the board. 

I have been writing on the key presentations we offer, and of the seven key presentations, three of them are not only written, but the PowerPoints are also completely designed to go with them.  The remaining four are outlined and just need completion hopefully this Fall. 

Over the next couple of months, I am specifically going to be reaching out to key contacts to see about setting up speaking engagements.  Getting your name and ministry known is one of the hardest parts of starting a new ministry.  So please pray for these e-mail and phone conversations to be fruitful and for YHVH to give favor. 

In the Summer newsletter, I had specifically asked for prayer for my dad and myself as we recovered from bronchitis after I had served at the largest Messianic Youth Camp, Camp Yeshua.  After each of us had it for 3 weeks, we were finally able to reach "full recovery."  Also, last time I had written, I shared about the video interview I had done which was posted on YouTube where I shared about my personal convictions on modesty as well as about this ministry.  If you did not get a chance to see that video, you may do so by clicking here.  To date, that video has had over 1,200 hits!

On a personal note, my family is seriously working on final plans for Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) which will be hosted here at our home in October.  Please keep that in prayer. 

Do not forget to follow our blog by clicking here. This is the best way to stay in touch for the "latest breaking news" and what YHVH is continuing to do!
Blessings in Messiah,
Jocelin Boutet
Jeremiah 29:11-14

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