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Psalm 49:2 (CJB) "regardless of whether low or high, regardless of whether rich or poor!"
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  Spring 2012 Newsletter

Dear Friends,
The Spring has turned out to be a very busy time for the ministry as well as for me personally, but I am truly loving every minute of it.  The Lord is opening many doors as well as giving clear direction of doors to not go through.  There are numerous directions the ministry could take, so one thing I have been working on is narrowing down the focus of the ministry to two clear areas - finances and Biblical lifestyle.  Now I am creating a detailed plan on how to fully develop each of these areas. 

I was recently interviewed for Walkabout - Interviews with Members of the Messianic Family, an internet radio show.  I was able to talk about quite a variety of topics including Biblical Finances, my ministry, our family farm, my trip to Israel, and the Messianic Youth Camp that I serve at every summer.  You can hear the interview by
clicking here Due to a technical error, the first few minutes of the hour long interview were lost.  That was the part where I talked about the importance of finances from a Biblical perspective, being debt free, and having a spending plan.  The live audience did here this portion; it's just not on the recording.  The host invited me back (probably late Fall time frame) to talk more about finances. 

I am also working to create a blog focused on Biblical finances as well as completing the Money Management Mentors Resource Website.  I'm very excited about the progress being made.  You can see the site under construction at

Thank you to those who took the time to read my article that I wrote for Money Help for Christians last month.  It was part of the Money Help for Christians Writers Challenge.  Depending on how many Facebook shares, Tweets, and Google+ shares my article received determined my placement in the final standings.  And I'm very excited to say that with your help, I won the contest!  Thank you all so much.  If you did not get a chance to read the article, please click here to read it.

Next month, I will be going out to Oklahoma and again serving at Camp Yeshua, the largest Messianic Youth Camp in the US.  This is always a treat and blessing to me personally as well as encouraging to see the impact made in the next generation's life. 

I'm continuing to work on building a good YouTube presence, and I had the privilege of recently interviewing Brad Scott of Wildbranch Ministries at my congregations recent Shavuot (Pentecost) gathering. His words of insight into the Hebrew Language, walking the Torah walk, and training up the next generation makes this a definite do not miss! Plus he coins a new term just for my interview.  Please check it out by
clicking here

I have continued to work on my book and hope to make good progress thru the summer.  Other projects are also coming along well including continuing to add more resources to the SIYH Ministries website.  Please continue to keep us in your prayers!

And finally, I'm working on building the base of monthly partners supporting the ministry.  If this is something you would be interested in, please let me know, and I would be happy to answer whatever questions you may have. 

On a personal note, our congregation recently celebrated the Feast of Shavuot or Pentecost, and I just posted a memory video to YouTube.  You can watch it by
clicking here My family is staying busy with our home based bakery as well as the family farm.  My mom has been struggling with high eye pressure which when it is high is causing quite a bit of discomfort.  Please keep her in your prayers.  We appreciate it!  And finally, we had a calf born on the farm about a month ago.  You can see a picture of him by clicking here.   

I pray you too are having a good spring and summer!  And don't forget to follow our blog to stay up to date with the latest breaking news!
Blessings in Messiah,
Jocelin Boutet
Jeremiah 29:11-14

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