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Psalm 49:2 (CJB) "regardless of whether low or high, regardless of whether rich or poor!"
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  Summer 2011 Newsletter

Dear Friends,
It is hard to believe that summer is almost over and fall will soon be here.  We definitely had our share of summer storms here in Ohio.  My family's vehicles were damaged in a May hail storm, but thankfully, we were all okay.  Vehicles can be repaired.  The heat in late July was quite stifling, so I'm certainly glad that it has cooled off since then. 

The time has flown since I last wrote you and much has happened. Summer has proved to be quite busy.  I know that it is through your prayers this ministry continues to take exciting steps each day! 

The first step of paperwork has been mailed towards making Standing in YHVH's Hand Ministries a 501c3, so that is very exciting.  Please continue to keep that in your prayers.

I was recently interviewed by Torah Life Ministries for their videos that they post on YouTube and their websites.  The interview went great, and I was able to share about the ministry of Standing in YHVH's Hand.  Please check it out by clicking here

We are pleased to announce that our young women's retreat is now officially open for registration.  We have named it "Set Apart Gems" and hope to make it an annual event.  But our first goal is to have an absolutely amazing event reaching many young ladies in areas where they most need the encouragement.  You can see more at www.setapartgems.org.  Please share this with all the young ladies in your life!

In the middle of July, I was able to take a week and participate in Camp Yeshua, the largest Messianic Youth Camp, as a Senior Counselor, Tribe (or Small Group) Leader, and Head Dorm Mom.  I also had the privilege of co-leading the young ladies purity session.  It was an amazing joy to work with 199 young people from all across the United States and even Canada!  After my return from camp, I was one of at least thirty reported cases of dust induced bronchitis.  I'm finally three weeks later almost back to myself, but I am still dealing with a lingering cough.  Please pray for my full recovery as well as my dad's as I shared it with him.

On a personal note, my family hosted Shavuot (Pentecost) at our home early in June.  It was a wonderful time of fellowship, learning, and study.  If you would like to see pictures from our Shavuot, you may do so by clicking here. We are now seriously working on final plans for Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) which will be hosted here in October. 

Also, your prayers for my grandmother, Lee, would be much appreciated.  She is 87 years old, and her health is in a serious decline.  The doctor told us today he is not sure how much more can be done...it may just be a matter of time.  This is of course very hard on our family as it is my mom's mom, and we have always been extremely close with my grandparents. 

Please follow our blog by clicking here. This is the best way to stay in touch for the "latest breaking news" and what YHVH is continuing to do!
Blessings in Messiah,
Jocelin Boutet
Jeremiah 29:11-14
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