Our Calling:
Psalm 49:2 (CJB) "regardless of whether low or high, regardless of whether rich or poor!"
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Retreat for Hebrew Roots Singles

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About Our Board

Jocelin Boutet (Founder and President) was born and raised in Orlando, Florida but happily calls the Columbus, Ohio area home.  Her family lives on just under 6 acres in the country.  She accepted Yeshua as her personal Savior just before she turned seven, followed Him in baptism a few months later, and has sought to grow in her walk with Him daily.  Her family came to a Torah life and understanding of our Hebrew Roots in late 2004/early 2005.  Since then, she has continued to grow and seek to encourage others to grow with her!  In her spare time, she enjoys scrapbooking, reading, being with her cats, and many handcrafts.  She shares, "My family is very special to me, and they are very supportive of me.  My parents included me in their spiritual journey as I was growing up, and I have sought to learn from them and 'stand on their shoulders'."  She served from 2007 to 2011 on staff with Crown Financial Ministries which was founded in 1976 by Larry Burkett as the Money Map Coach Manager where her role included training, supervision, and support to over 10,000 financial coaches that served with Crown .  Upon leaving Crown, she began this ministry desiring to meet a need for the Hebrew Roots movement in focusing on relationships, finances, and lifestyle.  She is the founder of Purify - Retreats for Hebrew Roots Singles as well as being a Naturopathic Doctor.

Her heart and passion is to serve YHVH wholeheartedly whether it be through the written or spoken word and whether it be one on one or to groups.  Her life verse has always been Jeremiah 29:11-13 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord , “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”  Her Hebraic verse is Psalm 49:3 “regardless of whether low or high, regardless of whether rich or poor!”  To which she says, "And I can truly say that is who YHVH has called me to minister to!"

Terry BoutetTerry Boutet  (Vice-President) was raised in what appeared to be the typical All American home.  Nothing out of the ordinary seemed to really occur.  His Dad had a good job, his Mom worked from home, and Terry along with his brothers and sister all went to public school.  However, the only religious upbringing that was provided in his younger days was going to Easter Sunrise Services every year.  His family spoke about the devil, demons, and ghosts as easily as God and angels.  In fact, miracles as well as occult activity occurred in his life and family.  By his mid teens, he began studying the occult and dabbling in witchcraft to the point of summoning up demons.  Terry became extremely pessimistic and became interested in suicide.  God intervened in his life by sending a pastor and his son across his path. 

Upon receiving salvation, Terry became aware of the spiritual warfare that is constantly occurring in the heavenlies.  Furthermore, He also began a journey which has taken 30 years into his own heart revealing the emotional damage he received from his parents and others, and the spiritual damage to his soul having not grown up in a Christian home as well as demonic strongholds from not only dabbling in the occult but also from the ways of the world.  Terry has come to realize that ordinary activities and traditions of the world are Babylon’s way of holding onto our very souls and that we all must Discover our Freedom in  Yeshua Ha Moshiach which is what he seeks to do through his ministry, ResTORAHtion Ministries.

Mark D. Hutchison Sr. (Treasurer) married in 1972 and joined the US Air Force.  Mark has twoMark Hutchison grown kids, 41 and 39, and four grand kids, 4, 7, 8 & 10  (girl, girl, boy & girl).  

Mark spent nearly seven years (six years active and one year active reserves) serving our Country during the very end of the Viet Nam War.  He was in Materials Management and located Limestone ME and USAF Academy, CO.  

Mark spent the next seven years with the Insurance Industry, both management and sales.  During this time, Mark was elected to the South-Western City School Board of Education and was elected to 4 four year terms.  He then re-started his formal education at Franklin University and finished his Bachelor of Public Administration.  

In 1985, he started with the state of Ohio as a Procurement Agent and moved up to Contracts Manager and retired December 31, 2009.  Putting more irons in the fire, in 1998 he became a Master Instructor with the National Institute of Public Procurement teaching in over 30 different cities, began serving with Crown Financial Ministries in 1994, became involved in Real Estate in 2009, President of Ohio School Boards Association in 1996, president of his local Professional Procurement Association twice (serving two year terms) Co-Chaired a national forum in 2001 for the nation association and included four missionary trips - Budapest, Santo Domingo, Arad, and San Juan.  

While Mark thinks he retired on December 31 2009, he is still serving Messiah and working real estate and working on two coffee cafes to purchase.  the best place to have a meeting with Mark is  in a coffee café, of course.

Paul Kenward JrPaul Kenward Jr (Board Member) was born in Augsburg, Germany December 23, 1957 while his father was serving a tour of duty there with the United States Air Force. Paul grew up in Roseville, Michigan and Melbourne, Florida. Paul’s family life was centered around the Word of God, and he himself is a believer and follower of Y’shua (Jesus). Paul enlisted into the USAF in 1976 and was stationed at Patrick AFB in Cocoa Beach, Florida. During this time he married his wife Tamara and settled again in Melbourne. The couple was Blessed with their first daughter, Michelle in 1979.

After his honorable discharge from service in 1980, he attended college until 1982 whereupon he was hired, as an Air Traffic Controller, by the Federal Aviation Administration. While in service with the FAA, Paul and Tamara were Blessed with two more daughters: Melissa in 1982 and Megan in 1984. The family settled in Britton, Michigan in 1991. Britton continues to be their place of residence. Paul retired from government service in 2007. Paul and Tamara’s walk with the Messiah continues and is becoming stronger every day, by His Grace and Mercy. They endeavor to be a witness of the Truth and teach their five grandchildren His Ways.

Daria Norcia (Board Member)




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